Rapid Application Development

Rapid Application Development

Setting up a platform for Rapid application development is the BEST POSSIBLE architecture that you can introduce to run an IT development center with optimized utilization of skilled resources.
Our approach for application development framework is based on the fact that every application is collection of some modules and every module is designed around one or more data models. Traditional approach of an application development wastes effort of Developers / Programmers in writing repetitive code before they start implementing actual business logic. If you think that Data Modeling and further coding for Form Development, List View with Pagination and Search, Detail View, Edit / Delete Controls, Model / Entity Definition, DB Queries for CRUD operations, Action Controller, REST API and Role Based Security are prerequisites for a module then we have a solution to automate these tasks of developers and let them focus on the business requirements of a module. How does it help?
  • Automation of your current coding practice reduces significant amount of coding effort
  • Standardization of application development pattern and coding convention
  • Significant improvement in productivity of development team
  • Centralized management of Data definitions
  • Adaptability of any design pattern
  • Web API for automated development of base module from any workstation or external application
  • No restriction of programming language. It’s upto you how do you want your code to be generated.
  • Web based management of your applications and modules.
Standardization of coding pattern is supposed to help every IT development center in many ways. Most of the organizations understand the value of standardization and so they enforce policies around it too. But, in real scenario standard coding practice is not seriously followed due to tremendous pressure to meet delivery date and make the application functional irrespective of how coding is being done behind the scene. It would be worth comparing our RAD solution with your current development practice. Happy to help you improve the productivity of your development center by 500% unlike anything else. Contact us for a demo or POC in your center.


  • Technical capability to handle a wide range of project from varied sectors
  • Expert resources for instant project kick off
  • Complete transparency of the entire work process throughout the engagement and beyond
  • Dedicated project managers for each project to ensure high quality work
  • Cost effective rates suitable for all budgets